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Are You a Nomad, Nana, or Homebody Nov 27 Best Places

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Kailua-Kona - Hawaii

Llocated on the west coast of Hawaii, the Big Island, Kailua-Kona  is the center of the tourist industry and popular for its beaches, scuba diving, fishing, etc.  Kona is famous for its coffee and there are many interesting places for retirees to live a laid back life in the sun.  More>>

What I've Learned About Golf Communities, and the People That Move There

Frequent contributor Larry Gavrich is a consultant who has helped hundreds of people find the right golf community (even many who don't play golf!)  We are happy to have him today as he shares some interesting conclusions from years in the business.  More>>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Not All Snowbirds Taking Wing This Winter

We have been tracking what is happening in the snowbird market this winter, and it looks like it is soft. Many have come south, but as a Sentinel article and our Blog conclude, a significant number is either not going to make the trip or delay. Here is what we hear >>


Historic Essex, Connecticut

Picture perfect on along the Connecticut River, Essex is one of the few American towns to be attacked by a foreign power (the War of 1812). Tourists come here to experience its maritime history and  charm as an an affluent old shipbuilding town.  More>>

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